Voice Dialogue
Would you like to step out of repetitive patterns
and have the capacity to make more conscious choices in each moment
so that your life can start to have more colours, shades and diversity?
Voice Dialogue process which is based on the Psychology of Selves, acknowledges that as human beings we have access to lots of polarities within oursleves. When we become identified with one of them without consciousness and energetic awareness, we create a tension inside of ourselves, like a traffic jam. We usually also push down the opposite aspect which then becomes what we call a ‘disowned self’. Both these movements create tension and un-ease within our psyche and can be felt throughout our daily life in the way of stress, tiredness, boredom, low self esteem, anxiety, self criticism, impatience, etc.
Voice Dialogue is an embodied process that allows you to access these parts and patterns within you and then allows you to separate energetically from then. This gives you an energetic awareness and an ability to make conscious choices in each moment. Lastly, by stepping out of repetitive patterns, you are making space for new parts and less well known parts to come and offer their gifts to you. Your life starts to have more colours, shades and diversity for you to play with.
The Voice Dialogue sessions happen Online. The duration is 90 or 120 minutes. Three Tiers prices are available *
90 minutes
* In response to the financial situation that is strongly affecting some of us, the fees of the workshop are now organised between 3 Tiers, depending on your financial situation. This is a system that works towards more equality, mutual trust and abundance. Do read carefully the details of the 3 Tiers at the bottom of the page, and thank you for choosing the Tier that applies to you with integrity. Don’t hesitate getting in touch with me if you have any questions.
Cancellation policy: any session cancelled within 2 days before the date set will still be due to be paid. Validity :Each bundle is valid for 5 months dating from the date of purchase.

“After my first Voice Dialogue session with
“My session with Christie brought up some totally unexpected things. I feel very grateful for the experiences I had, particularly of being with my inner toddler in her need to be held in her anger. By the end of the 90 mins, I felt very tender towards the parts of myself that had shown up. I have taken the experience in my life and can feel the benefit of the session even now, weeks later. Christie held the session very calmly and invitingly and I found myself at ease and able to be free. I particularly appreciated her attentiveness and open curiosity and absolute absence of judgment.”
“Just one Voice Dialogue session was enough to bring new awareness to parts of

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